Thursday, July 16, 2020

Thursday, July 16th

Today was a high maintenance day!  No crawls but lots of nest patrol.  Nest #1 which to due to emerge soon did not show any signs.  A busy ghost crab dug in around the DNR sign but not at the nest.

The ghost crab traps needed to be emptied at #11 and#12.  #11 is a common ghost trap feeding hole.  We found one egg on the surface there today.  Quite a few ants also.

The shell was again found in the debris the crab left. Looked for more egg shells but since it had rained on the island last night most were gone.  The egg shells were again buried.

Our new next #13 had someone decide that the pole needed to be moved.  It was off to the side and inserted in a large crab hole.  We relocated it 16' behind the nest.  

We put up the caution tape around nest #13.  I think it will be seen by horse and rider now!

Our fight against balloons goes on.  This one really did look like a jellyfish!

And as always nature is astounding!

Flossie and Bill

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